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HomeFAQCarpet Cleaning Q&AWhat are the benefits of sanitizing carpets and upholstery during the cleaning process?

What are the benefits of sanitizing carpets and upholstery during the cleaning process?

Carpets are the largest filter in your home. As filters, carpets trap soil (decaying plant matter), hair, dead skin cells and other organic matter which is a viable food source for microorganisms. Millions of microorganisms and allergen producing organisms can reside deep within the fibers of the most well maintained carpets. These same organisms often get trapped in crevices on upholstery and in pillows as well. Applying a sanitizing agent during and/or after a cleaning helps to greatly reduce allergens by killing microorganisms and allergen producing organisms and by inhibiting microbial growth. Combined with vacuuming once weekly with a HEPA filter equipped vacuum, applying a sanitizing solution to carpets and upholstery is the best way to keep germs and allergens down to a minimum.